Friday, 30 January 2015


In spite of all my struggles
My agitation for better days
I find myself worthy
And lucky to be something alive

Just today I saw someone die
I watched life coming to nothing
And what a family I saw cry
A beloved gone and forever gone

After a while I made a resolve
To live and die for the one I love
To meditate and search my soul
I wish peace on the day I die

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


Under the cover of pitch darkness
Siting at the helm of corrupt power
The affluent drug baron swings on a hydraulic seat
Propitiously, he calls the shots down the dusty streets
Where the impressionable junkies bow down in submission
And fan his regal brow, with their hard-earned currency

Moving in tatters floating in the violent wind
And defrauded by an impudent boss
The peddlers’ pay is hardly enough
Bossy and a perpetrator of the deepening chasm
He sees to it that the indolent can barely scrounge
To pay their bills at spasmodic intervals
And still, keep a tab on the nemesis force.

Saturday, 24 January 2015


Fifteen years now I’ve waited
Hoping you’ll someday return
I’ve drawn you pictures and beautiful portraits
Hoping to impress you when you knock again
But seeing that tombstone every morning
And the fact that it has your name on it
I suddenly come to terms with my grave loss—
Indeed you’re gone.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

For Someone Special. . . .

For you I take this pen into my fingers
I now take some precious time off my errands
To let you into my private thoughts

For purpose fate crossed our paths
And when I stared deep into your big bright eyes
I resolved you’re the one I’d love

For better for worse eight years done
But in your heart is where I still want to belong
With every thought of you; of us together.


When time comes of age
Every heart will stop and break
Earthly kingdoms will crumble to ashes
And from continent to continent
The magic of alliances will evaporate into a memory

When time comes of age
Skyscrapers will be swallowed by the greedy earth
Affiliations will then mean nothing
As we’ll all be brought at par
By death—
The indiscriminate equalizer